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校园运营时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午5点. 请注意,我们将在日历中列出的公认假日休息.
成绩 & G.P.A.
- “A”表示作品质量高.
- “B”的成绩表明你做得很好.
- “C”表示可以接受.
- 成绩“D”表示成绩达到最低及格水平.
- 成绩为“E”表示未达到该课程的最低要求.
- The grade of "I" indicates substantial and satisfactory work has been completed but due to unavoidable circumstances course could not be completed.
加减成绩可以附在字母成绩上. 成绩 awarded with a minus (“-”) indicate achievement at the lower limit for that grade; grades awarded with a plus (“+”) indicate achievement at the upper limit for that grade. The grade of “C-” is not acceptable toward fulfillment of departmental requirements for the major or minor or for cognate courses in the student’s major or minor. 成绩“D”不计入专业或辅修课程的部门要求, 学生主修或辅修的同类课程也不接受“D”成绩. 菲斯克不接受其他院校的“D”或同等成绩转到菲斯克学位. “E”是不及格的分数, 没有达到课程的最低要求. 在某些情况下, 当学生的作业不完整或学生退课时,给出“E”级. 成绩为“E”的课程必须重修并获得更高的成绩, 如果需要信用.
绩点 平均
年级 point averages are computed for each semester of a student's enrollment at Fisk and as a cumulative average for the student's entire undergraduate career. 平均绩点(GPA)之所以重要,有几个原因. 首先,最少是2.0 GPA是本科阶段的毕业要求. 许多院系的专业领域和各种学术荣誉都有GPA要求. 和, 最重要的是, there are minimum GPA performance levels required in order to maintain satisfactory academic progress and be retained at Fisk in good standing, 有资格获得经济援助. 学生的平均成绩是通过学生成绩单上菲斯克课程的分数来计算的. 每个学时的工作分配给特定年级的质量分数如下:
信等级 | 绩点 |
A | 4 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2 |
The grade point average is derived by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted, 在后者的总学时中,不包括成绩为“P”的学时," "F," "I,或“WD已被记录。. 当学生重修课程时, 在确定平均绩点时,只考虑最后收到的成绩. Standards and practices vary from one institution to another: The Fisk grade point average reflects only coursework done at Fisk University. 不考虑转学课程.
可接受的奖学金标准菲斯克本科生要求最低累积GPA为2.0(“C”)或更高. 学业进展满意,达到要求2.0 GPA and the required minimum 120 semester hours for the bachelor's degree must be maintained throughout the student's career at Fisk. 大学认识到学生的表现可能会受到不利的个人环境的影响. 在某些情况下, a student may wish to consider a leave of absence or withdrawal from the University with appropriate counsel with their faculty academic advisor. 看到 大学的公告 浏览有关“令人满意的学术成绩”的资料.
不完整的 成绩
The grade of "I" (incomplete) is given when the student has substantially and satisfactorily completed the work in a class but due to unavoidable circumstances (illness or other valid reasons) lacks no more than two distinct course completion requirements. 学生完成课程的平均成绩必须达到“C”或以上, and will be responsible for having a clear understanding of the requirements for the completion of the course and removal of the "I". 完成的工作必须在学生注册的下学期课程的最后一天提交, and the "I" grade must be removed by the end of the next semester during which the student is enrolled; otherwise it is automatically replaced with a failing grade (E).
通过/失败 成绩
在一些实验部分给出了及格/不及格的分数. 选择性及格/不及格评分也可用, 由学生选择, 以便为学生提供更广泛的机会,以追求专业领域以外的课程, 没有来自本专业学生的竞争. 在及格/不及格选项下,学生可以选择不超过12个小时的课程, 这门课程可能只适用于普通选修课.
“D”级或以上的成绩为“P”(及格). 低于“D”等级的作业被评为“F”(不及格)。. 及格/不及格成绩只适用于初级或高级学生, 谁的学术成绩良好,并在本学期注册了14个学分或以上. 在三年级,每学期不超过一门课程可以通过或不通过, 大四每学期不超过两门. 学生必须在注册卡上注明他们希望通过或不通过的课程
基础. 以及格/不及格方式入学的学生必须达到与其他学生相同的成绩标准, 包括相同的出勤率和其他课程要求,如课堂背诵, 测试, 论文, 和考试. 注册主任将为每位教员提供费用, 在学期开始的时候, 该讲师的课程以及格/不及格为基础注册的学生名单. 学生不允许将他们的成绩从信级更改为及格/不及格, 反之亦然, 正常报名结束后. 通过考试获得的学分也显示在学生的成绩单上,成绩为“P”,并且不被计算在通过/不通过标准允许的12小时课程作业中. (见 大学的公告 for more information on Credit By Examination) The requirement of junior or senior standing for pass/fail grading does not apply when "P" grades are assigned for credit by examination; nor are "P" graded credits,通过考试获得, 根据通常的及格/不及格限制,指定学分仅用于一般选修目的.
撤销 成绩
The grade of "WD" (withdrawn) and “WF” (撤销 Failing) are given to a student who has been enrolled for a course during the first weeks of the semester, 但已在期中考试开始前向注册主任提交适当批准的退学表. 导师必须在退课表上注明同意. The grade of "WP" (withdrawn passing) is given when a student files a properly approved withdrawal form with the Registrar between the beginning of the mid-semester examination period and before
期末考试的开始, but only if the instructor certifies on the official grade report that the student's standing in the course was at a "D" grade level or better at the time of withdrawal. The grade of "WF" (withdrawn failing) is given when a student files a properly approved withdrawal form with the Registrar between the beginning of the mid-semester examination period and a date four weeks before 期末考试的开始 but the instructor certifies on the official grade report that the student was failing the course at the time of withdrawal. 任何不及格的学生在这段时间后要求退学,将获得“E”级不及格.
学期中段 成绩
Mid-semester reports are required from each instructor for all students who are doing unsatisfactory work ("C -"level or below) in that instructor's courses at midterm. Students are notified of any such reports by the Registrar and are required to meet with their faculty academic advisors to discuss the possible reasons for the deficient\ performance and to make plans for improvement. 然而,没有期中缺陷报告并不构成及格分数. It is therefore the student's responsibility to remain in contact with instructors in case of any question about the student's performance level.
年级 变化
为更正成绩报告,可更改成绩. All such changes are initiated by the course instructor and approved by the appropriate department chair and by the school dean or prior to being recorded in the 司法常务官办公室. 一旦提交到注册主任办公室, 成绩不再是教师的财产,不能因为教师的判断的修改而改变. In no case may a second examination or assessment of new work be undertaken after the date of the semester report in order to secure a new grade.
年级 上诉
成绩为最终成绩. 但在某些特殊情况下,可允许更改职系. 只有在遵守以下步骤和程序的情况下,教务长才会评估有关更改职系的申诉:
第一步:学生应寻求与授予分数的指导老师会面和/或向其提交书面申诉. This step shall occur as soon as possible but definitely no later than the end of the fourth week of the semester following that in which the grade was awarded.
第二步:如果老师不在菲斯克,或者学生对第一步的会议结果不满意, 可向开设该课程的系主任提出申诉. Such appeal shall be made no later than two weeks after the meeting in Step 1 and no later than the end of the sixth week of the semester following that in which the grade was awarded. This appeal should be made in writing by the student giving all reasons and providing all documents in support of the change of grade. 不包括具体理由和证明文件的申请将不予考虑. 主席必须在提交书面请求后30天内通知学生上诉的结果.
第三步:如果学生对第二步的上诉结果不满意, 可向开设该课程的学校院长提出上诉. This appeal should be made in writing by the student giving all reasons and providing all documents in support of the change of grade. 不经过第2步且不包含具体理由和证明文件的请求将不予考虑. 学校院长必须在书面请求提交后18天内通知学生上诉的结果.
第四步:如果学生对第三步的上诉结果不满意, 可向教务长办公室提出最后上诉. 该申诉应由学生以书面形式提出,给出所有理由和步骤1至3的结果摘要. 未经过步骤1到步骤3的请求将不被考虑. 在仔细审阅了文件之后, 教务长办公室将通知申请人的最终决定.